Sunday, September 13, 2015


Man I really don't want to go to school tomorrow..
I do and I don't
I love seeing my friends n all but school gets tiring.

Enough of school though

Instead of school here's something I just finished?? 
I like how it turned out a lot
It's myself or how I draw myself :^U
I'm a big Vinesauce fan and I would of drawn their logo on my shirt but
it was cropped pretty weirdly

This is a ref of myself I made a while ago
My art has changed a lot since then :/

Guess this is all for now?

Hello yes hi who's this

Welcome to my blog??
I'll probably use this as some weird secret journal or something

God.. no one uses blogger anymore
I feel like I'm in 2007

Have this cool gif I guess??
House Fly